J O Y E U S E S P A Q U E S / Matyáš les sept ans /
Graphic Art of 2020 Award And Vladimír Boudník Award
Exhibition: 21 April - 18 May 2021 at Prague Castle - Imperial Stables, Prague
Among the nominees for the Graphic Art of the Year Award is Miloš Sláma with his print Metal Shack by the Lake
(sixteen-colour linocut, 85 x 55 cm). The artwork was printed by the artist on glazed paper using the Sláma Press.
!!! Our new videos here
Interwiew with graphic artist Tereza Lochmann / Fr /about using Slama Press in her artwork - here
Review of SLÁMA PRESS in Pressing Matters / January, 2020, issue 10 / more: here
The reportage from Miloš Sláma / April, 2020, issue 11 / more: here
Since November 2018 a new press has been added to the existing large press containing 60 balls with each ball of 10mm in diameter. The new press is of the same size and design but it contains 150 balls where each ball is 6mm in diameter. It is especially suitable for printing on paper of lower grammage when printing fine lines and surfaces. It is ideal for larger format printing (A3 size and larger), lithographic processes as well as intaglio printing such as mezzotint and drypoint. The price remains the same.
A new feature of the large press (both Model 60 and Model 150) lies in its variable grip. Starting from November 2018 the large press packaging includes a screw enabling a simple repositioning of the press grip as needed. (The wooden grip and the metal head on top can be disassembled and the grip can be replaced with a head that can be held in hand - see photos or video
The owners of presses purchased prior to the innovation can contact us. We will send you the screw solely for the price of postage.